Online Workshop

Toolbox Theory & Practice

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Join Nina Wollny as she explains what the Countertechnique Toolbox consists of, and how to implement tools in dancing life. On Day One Nina will give an overview of the Toolbox. On Day Two we will get to work, and explore what a tool is, how to choose one and apply it effectively.  This workshop is most useful for people who have already taken some Countertechnique classes, and who want to go deeper.

Nina Wollny has been working with Countertechnique Founder Anouk van Dijk for 20 years as her closest collaborator, and has been on the Faculty of the One Body One Career Intensive (OBOC) since its inception in 2006, and the Countertechnique Teacher Training (CTTT) since 2008. Nina is an active performer and teacher and is to date the only Master Teacher of Countertechnique.

Maximum participants per workshop: 30. Participants are accepted on a first come first serve basis.

This is a workshop series, which means the workshop is designed for participants who can attend all sessions in the workshop; you're not able to register for individual sessions.


Nina Wollny


Fri 28 May, 12:00 – 14:30
Sat 29 May, 12:00 – 14:30


Countertechnique Online
New York (USA)

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