Online Workshop

Dive into the Alexander Technique with Tom Koch

Saturday 5 Dec - Sunday 6 December
7.30am-9.30am PST (West Coast USA)
10.30am-12.30pm EST (East Coast USA)
Register here

If you are interested in refining the relation between thinking, feeling and moving, this workshop is for you! Alexander Technique teacher Tom Koch has been a faculty member of the annual One Body One Career Countertechnique Intensive (OBOC) since 2006. Tom will share his insights into the relation between posture, balance and movement (Day 1), and the relation between sensation, perception, injury and pain (Day 2). Give yourself permission to stop, reconsider and re-think your self. If you want clearer thoughts and actions, this weekend workshop will offer many discoveries. 

Tom Koch: "My goal as a teacher of dancers is to help you understand more deeply how you coordinate and move yourself all day long, not just during dance, so that you are less likely to suffer self-inflicted injuries and judgments that could limit or end your career." 

Tom Koch has his private practice in Amsterdam where he has taught Alexander Technique not only to dancers but also musicians, singers, computer programmers, rock climbers, executive trainers, and police agents. He has helped clients cope with medical conditions, such as scoliosis, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Bechterev Disease (ankylosing spondylosis), and AIDS, as well as temporary challenges, like broken bones.  

Maximum participants: 25. Participants are accepted on a first come first serve basis.



Tom Koch


Sat 5 Dec – Sun 6 Dec, 10:30 – 12:30


Countertechnique Online
New York (ZM)

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